First read – “Inconspicuous – Walter Rothwell’s Undercover Journey During The Cold War”

“Wally reads his story”.  When you are the ‘star’ of the story……. you get to receive the first copy!

Inconspicuous: Walter Rothwell’s Undercover Journey During the Cold War

It was indeed a poignant moment when I presented Wally the first copy of his biography. He just touched the cover and turned it over and over, then opened the pages to see what was inside. His eyes paused on pages with photos before giving me one of his restrained Wally-esque smiles.

The next day, I came back to his home to learn that he was very tired. He didn’t get much sleep the night before I was told by his caretaker, Mary Brown. As it turned out, Wally stayed up to the wee hours reading his book completely through, cover to cover. I noticed his eyes were kind of heavy despite that lingering pinched-lip Wally-esque smile. Mary told me that he was now half-way through his second reading. Although Wally had indeed read numerous drafts over the last 12-15 months, this was something … well, … tangible. Not wanting to miss this moment, I decided to take a couple photos to share..

Inconspicuous – Walter Rothwell’s Undercover Journey During the Cold War”  is now widely available everywhere books are sold. Ask for it by name. As an added feature, both Wes and Wally proudly served in the ‘uniform’ for the United States. Wes as a Marine with a tour of duty to Vietnam. Wally as a career office in the US Army. Both Wally and Wes are proud to share that 25% of the book royalties will be presented to the Arizona Fisher House


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